$49.00 $72.50
Looking for one of loudest horns on the market ? These horns are similar to the Hella Supertone horns, but produce a slightly deeper tone. This horn kit uses a combination of one low tone horn (measuring 350Hz) and one high tone horn (measuring 415Hz) to project a powerful 114dB harmonic sound. You know what else is the 114 db? Thunder. You want to be as loud as a Norse god, right? The blue horn assembly is shielded by a yellow cage to prevent damage.
Fits any car. Set of two horns, plus relay. (We usually install them using factory horn wiring, and just discard the included relay.)
SKU#: 09825
Shipping Weight: 2.5 lb
Manufacturer: Hella
Category: Miscellaneous Exterior
These clips get old and then the lower part of the door never seems to stay put. You end of smacking it back down until the door is opened again...
Here you have a set of left and right factory hood hinges for your 1G or 2G DSM. If you've manged to mangle a hinge or it has gotten rusty...
Replace that leaky factory sunroof weather stripping on your 2G DSM. Fits all sunroof-equipped 1995-1999 DSM (Eclipse/Talon) cars.