Will You Sponsor My Car?

Will You Sponsor My Car?

We get this question just about every day. Usually, it looks something like this:

"Hi, I got to lots of shows and hang out with my car friends. If I put your decals on my car, will you give me free parts?"

The answer is usually no. We are a small business with a limited amount of dollars available for marketing, and what we DO spend on marketing, we want to stretch it as far as possible. Giving you free parts in exchange for decals that a few people will see is probably not the best use of our scarce dollars. Any marketing money we spend has to be compared against the known quanity of print and web advertising, which reach a huge number of people.

That's not to say we never sponsor cars. There are a few select cars out there that benefit from Mach V generosity. Those people almost always have a proven track record of producing media attention with a car that matches our high quality standards. If you car has already been in a magazine, your chances of us helping you out are much higher.

If you think you and your car have the "right stuff," you MUST prepare a detailed sponsorship proposal. This will included detailed photos and a list of modifications to your car, as well as past and future events where your car was featured, and any awards you have gained. Definitely include any magazine articles or online web site features. The proposal also should list what you expect out of the relationship, and what Mach V will get in terms of viewers, feedback, and periodic updates.

Sponsorship is almost always in the form of discounted parts prices; we don't know of anyone in the industry who gives away parts, and we sure don't.

Still with us? Send your sponsorship proposal to gofast@machv.com, and put "Sponsorship Proposal" in the subject line.